TGT-NAAGA New Member Application

Membership applications are subject to review by the Officers. New memberships are asked to participate in at least 10 hours of club activities or volunteer time per a year.

 This can include monthly meetings, committee meetings, community service, training events, volunteering for training etc. Our activities will be guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to:

People: We support the rights of all people to bear arms while focusing on this right as it relates to Black people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, religion, or political affiliation.

Community: We value social connections that exist within the 2nd Amendment and Black communities and recognize the importance these connections have in influencing systems, resolving societal issues, and creating a more perfect union.

Firearm ownership: We affirm and vigorously protect the right of Black Americans to bear arms for self and community defense, sportsmanship, and all other lawful and morally justifiable activities.

Emergency contact name & number

Special Skills you can provide (Are you a firearm instructor, military, educator, lawyer, business owner, marketing. Do you have experience in community work. No matter what it is, let us know so we can share your skills with the club.


Member Benefits

- 10% off all advanced courses offered by That Gun Talk Firearms and Training for you and your immediate family.

-  Gift Card at our online store, to get a tshirt of your choice 

-Firearm Advancement Courses available yearly

-Discounts on Sirt pistols and holsters using specific links.

-Meet and network amoung the African American Gun Community 

- Full Access to exclusive events.

Membership Terms

Eligibility and Ethical Code of Conduct

Any person who is at least eighteen years old, who subscribes to the purposes and objectives of the National African American Gun Association ("Association") as set forth in Association by-laws, and who pays the annual dues as set forth in the Association by-laws shall be eligible to be a member of the Association and That Gun Talk.LLC Gun Club, a Philadelphia LLC corporation,

Membership shall not be denied to any person because of race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability of the person.

Member must be eligible for or have a current/valid CPL or equivalent from reciprocating states.

Any person who has a felony conviction or who has a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence (and the conviction has not been pardoned or expunged AND rights to possess a firearm restored), is not eligible to become a member of the Association or the Club. Under federal law, that person is not legally allowed to possess a firearm and therefore is prohibited from joining the Association or the Club.

Club members may NOT engage in activities that OVERTLY promote violence toward any members or the public.

Club members may NOT engage in any form of harassment or discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, reli-gion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability toward any members or the public.

Club members may NOT engage in alcohol consumption before or during a NAAGA or Club meeting or shooting event.

Club members may NOT engage in verbal discussions or statements advocating any acts of violence toward Police, Military, and/or Government officials.

Club members may NOT engage in verbal discussions or statements advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Violations of this Ethical Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and will be grounds for immediate termination of the violating member from the Club and/or Association. I certify that I have read and understood the Member Eligibility and Ethical Code of Conduct, and that I will adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct. Finally, I certify that I am permitted to possess a firearm in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the state in which I reside.

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